We are so confident in passing your assessment, that we offer a full refund immediately if we do not pass the assessments!

CLICK HERE to view PDF File of our sample scores on passing assessments.


"Pay someone to pass my assessment"

You can pay someone at PassPsychometric to pass assessments. You can hire our assessment team to pass your assessments in primarily:

  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Logical and Inductive Reasoning

PassPsychometric have helped several clients to pass their assessments easily and cheaply online at elite security.

We know how daunting it can be to pass assessments. This is why, at PassPsychometric, we have a specialist ‘Pass My Assessment’ team who will pass assessments of ANY type or ANY test provider.

We understand that you want to hire someone to pass assessments. Indeed, to pass assessments with limited time can be very challenging. But, our ‘Pass My Assessment’ team has a wealth of experience at very competitive prices. The Pass My Assessment team we can secure the results of your dreams to successfully progress to the next stage of the process.

Our Pass My Assessment team are so confident in their abilities that, we offer a Pass My Assessment Money-back Guarantee. This is where we offer you a full refund if we happen to fail (which we never will)!

What scores can PassPsychometric achieve in my assessments?

I want to pay someone to take my assessment. We hear you!

PassPsychometric can obtain a minimum of 95% on your assessment. But do not simply take our word for it! See our score cards by visiting PassPsychometric Reports or by contacting us on

Looking for a team of professionals specialising in passing psychometric tests?

Look no further!

Wondering how to ‘Pass My Assessments’ today? Simply get in contact with support@passpsychometric, who will ace all your numerical assessments, verbal assessments, inductive assessments and more!

So why not Hire PassPsychometric Today to Pass your assessment

We can sit your assessments with you from your PC also! If you are looking for more information, simply fill out our Contact Form!

Pass My Assessment Reviews

Are you looking to hire thee ‘Pass My Assessment’ team at PassPsychometric?

First, you should always read the reviews of any company, including those of the Pass My Assessment team at PassPsychometric.

Does a high assessment score matter?

Indeed! The psychometric or assessment score needs to be well-above the pass mark to secure your dream job or university offer at world-class universities.

PassPsychometric have secure job roles by passing assessments for clients at the renowned employers in the world, including:

  • PwC
  • JP Morgan
  • Atos
  • McKinsey
  • Heinz
  • Macquaire


Due to COVID, multiple assessments are being taken from home – the Pass My Assessment elite team at PassPsychometric can help you pass your assessments from your PC.

PassPsychometric's Pass My Assessment team offer a 100% money-back pass guarantee to achieve a score of 95% across any type of assessment!

Pass My Assessment

Looking for Pass My Assessments Reviews?

Pass My Assessment Review - SHL Assessment
- PwC

Pass my SHL assessment! I paid PassPsychometric to pass my assessment and they aced my PwC test! Thank you!!!

Pass My Assessment Review - Talent Central Exam
- Atos

I wanted to hire someone to pass my assessment. With help of PassPsychometric to help pass my assessment, I am happy to leave pass my assessment reviews of 5 star!

Pass My Assessment Review - Talent Q Test
- JP Morgan

I hired PassPsychometric to pass my assessment given by JP Morgan. They did a terrific job. I will definitely recommend pass my assessment with PassPsychometric.

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Contact PassPsychometric in a matter of seconds. We meet all your needs from: academic exams, to job applications, psychometric tests and to passing proctored exams: all with a 100% money-back pass guarantee!