Cubiks Psychometric Tests

Cubiks Psychometric Tests


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An international HR consultancy – Cubiks conducts numerous psychometric and ability tests for its clients. They have offices across the globe including Europe, North America, Asia and Middle East. Employees across the world may have to undergo the tests prepared by them during the application process and job serach.PassPsychometric have a team of Cubiks Experts available to help you pass your Cubiks psychometric tests today on your behalf!

Prepare for Cubiks tests

We can help clients prepare for Cubiks tests via Skype. Alternatively, we can pass the Cubiks assessments LIVE with you from YOUR PC! You can purchase a package for a team of Cubiks Experts to pass the tests for you today!

Cubiks ability tests

The Cubiks tests has a host of psychometric tests, the most common is the Cubiks Reasoning across Numerical, Verbal and Logical tests. This is opted by organisations during the recruitment process.Other tests include the following:
  • Cubik’s Logiks Verbal reasoning for business: This test is targeted for managers and graduates. It is of 4 minutes duration and has 24 questions. Through this test an individual’s ability to comprehend written information is analysed. This test highlights whether the candidate is able to understand the fundamental meaning of written arguments. This information on the questionnaire is generally in the related to work-based situations or the wider economy.
  • Cubik’s Logiks Numerical reasoning for business: This test is meant for managers and graduates. It is of 4 minutes duration and has 16 questions. Through the Logiks Numerical reasoning test an individual’s ability to analyse numerical data is tested. Numerical and computational skills are used to judge an individual’s performance and the data is usually in the form of numerical sequences, graphs, diagrams and statistical tables.
  • Cubik’s Logiks Diagrammatic reasoning for business: It is of 4 minutes duration and has only 10 questions. Through this test an individual’s ability to analyse a series of patterns and use logical reasoning to identify the next diagram/shape.
  • Cubik’s Problem solving tests: These tests do an accurate analysis of how well a candidate can solve problems – both numerical and logical. The test includes antonyms, deviation from category, pairs of concepts, verbal analogy, logical reasoning, series of numbers and simple/complex calculations.
PassPsychometric’s team of Cubiks Experts can pass your Advanced Cubiks Logiks tests today with a 100% money-back pass guarantee!

Cubiks personality questionnaires

Personality and competency-based assessments are also part of the Cubiks tests. These assessments are done to identify the personal traits and potential of the candidates, so that it becomes easier to select the right organization for the candidate. Although Cubiks will claim “There are no right or wrong answers in this test”, this is a myth. Cubiks works closely with the employer to identify what skills, qualities and traits they are looking for in their candidates. PassPsychometric then align the answers based on this algorithm and we perfect your personality to ensure that based on our answers and preferences, you will be shortlisted for the company that fits your specifications.An example of a Cubiks personality questionnaire is shown below:
  • Cubiks Personality and Preferences Inventory (PAPI): A personality assessment test. Organisations carry out this test to find out the behaviour of the candidate in a workplace and how he/she reacts and deal with different situations. The test results are collected into a Cubiks report, which highlights the strengths and weakness of the candidate. This test is generally conducted at the later stages of the recruitment process.
  • Cubiks in-depth personality questionnaire CIPQ: A detailed personality self-report questionnaire is prepared so as to assess the various aspects of a candidate’s personality. It takes into account the Big 5 personality traits along with the findings of the PAPI report.
Allow our Cubiks Experts to pass the key tests below directly from your PC:
  • Cubiks Logiks General Advanced Numerical Test
  • Cubiks Logiks General Advanced Verbal Test
  • Cubiks Logiks General Advanced Digrammatic Test
  • Cubiks Personality and Preferences Inventory (PAPI)
  • Cubiks personality questionnaire (CIPQ)


PriceWaterhouseCoopers – Actuarial Graduate Programme, 2021

PassPsychometric offered me superb SHL TeamViewer aptitude test support which helped in 2 ways. 1. I got certainty in their Experts abilities. 2. It was the best practice preparation possible . Seeing the PassPsychometric Experts answer the real online tests was a very valuable resource. 100% recommend it!

Accenture – Summer Internship Vacation Scheme, 2021

PassPsychometric has helped me hugely with my summer internships applications for this year. All employers are asking me to pass psychometric tests and PP team has been tremendously helpful. They have helped me for many SHL psychometric tests and also provided me with mock interview help. I can say Pass Psychometric will help me next year in my final year too where I will be looking for graduate jobs.

HSBC – Global Banking Global Graduate Programme, 2021

I decided to buy practice sites to prepare for my tests, but this was not helpful whatsoever. The tests were very different to the real deal and did not add much value. The PassPsychometric reports and reviews reassured me and there is nothing to fault about their services. Thank you for such an exceptional and highly professional service. I would highly recommended to everyone and to trust their abilities.

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