Cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser


We are so confident in Our Services, that we offer a full refund immediately if you do not meet your university exam pass mark! We can safely by-pass all Respondus Lockdown Browsers and take the exam LIVE in real-time from your PC!

Looking for top hacks to cheat with Respondus Lockdown browser? PassPsychometric will achieve your dream grade!


How to stop failing in University exams with Respondus Lockdown Browser

Due to distance learning, online courses are gaining popularity. Students can pursue their education and take exams online from their remote locations. In such a situation, many students think on how to cheat on Respondus Lockdown Browser. We do not blame students in searching how to cheat on Respondus Lockdown Browser, as many of their peers are hiring our services and we are putting up the passing benchmarks!

You can pay someone at PassPsychometric to sit your University Exams, university quiz or university midterms. You can hire our specialist exam test taking team to pass any exam with the Respondus Lockdown Browser e.g.:

  • Accounting Exams with Respondus Lockdown Browser
  • Finance Exams with Respondus Lockdown Browser
  • MathsExams with Respondus Lockdown Browser

PassPsychometric have helped a huge number of clients during COVID-19 to pass their home-based Respondus Lockdown exams which are now online.

But cheating is one of the problems impacting this, and most people have started marveling whether there are hacks regarding how to cheat on Respondus Lockdown browser. Let us discover this further.

How does cheating on the Respondus LockDown Browser work?

The absence of test invigilators or exam offers an opportunity for some students when they wonder how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser and get away with it. They do that because they are able how to get around and by-pass Respondus LockDown Browser and fortunately get answers.

Due to the rampancy to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser and the requirement to create a fair testing environment, some tools have been developed to prevent cheating on online exams.

But before we discover on how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser, let us first realize what it actually is, what it records, and how it detects cheating. Thus, you will have a complete understanding of the same. But if you are in a rush, you can skip to that section.

In this detailed post, we discover the idea to cheat on lockdown browser such as Respondus, discuss how it detects cheating and its attributes, and also look at whether you may get caught.

What is Respondus LockDown Browser?

Respondus LockDown Browser is one of the tools developed to prevent the ideal to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser. This browser works as a special type of browser that limits the testing environment.

What this browser actually does is override the main functions within the computer of a student that might create a chance for them to cheat on lockdown browser.
When a student commences an assessment, they are locked into the browser until the assessment is completed and submitted for grading. Respondus LockDown Browser is available on the Windows and Mac operating systems.

Before we dig into the details on how to prevent cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser, how it does that, and the different ways a student can be caught cheating, it is vital to realize the components of the custom browser. This will provide you a clear perception on what the Respondus LockDown Browser is all about.

The main attributes of a Lockdown Browser

One of the main attributes of the Respondus LockDown Browser is that when a student launches it, all the assessments are displayed on the full-screen mode and the window can’t be minimized.

The student can’t exit the assessment until they have completed and submitted their work for grading. By limiting the minimization of the assessment, it implies that access to other applications or switching of tasks in prevented if they are thinking how to cheat on lockdown browser, as nobody can by-pass Respondus LockDown Browser.

How to get help on Respondus LockDown Browser

The features mentioned above stops someone planning on how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser. When the browser is launched, the microphone and the webcam of your computer should be set up so that they can run through the whole testing session. Hence, the browser depends heavily on the webcam of your computer and microphone to prevent by-pass Respondus LockDown Browser. You should simply try to get help on Respondus LockDown Browser.

You may have read online, that there is an ALT + TAB or Alt Tab hack to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser. THIS DOES NOT WORK. Respondus has improved their systems and they are MUCH more stringent. But you can contact to cheat on your Respondus exam!

A smartphone is suggested here as you can put it below the screen of your computer and connect it to an external mouse using an OTG connector. Using the mouse of your computer, you can browse your smartphone for the answers and cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser. This is a basic idea of how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser.

Another common hack on to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser is to use a virtual machine that comes with an edited registry that looks like a real machine. This enables you to run more than a single operating system on a single computer and you can actually cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser.

Ultimately, if you want a 100% secure and robust method to cheat the Lockdown Browser, you need to hire professionals to cheat the Respondus, by emailing

Can you get caught trying to cheat on lockdown browser?

You may be caught trying to cheat on lockdown browser if you hire a cheap vendor. The browser accomplishes security by using the webcam to detect any dubious activity that can be considered as an attempt to cheat on lockdown browser. in mind that even the idea to cheat on lockdown browser using a cheap freelancer or dodgy company, is a big no and you should never try it.

Such activities also include pay someone to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser. The mere idea to pay someone to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser is a criminal act and can be penalized or legally punished for that. You just can’t think to pay someone to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser for a cheap price, using a start-up company or amateur freelancer.

As the screen is recorded, any unethical screen activities and leaving the computer unattended for a particular period can be red-flagged as an attempt on how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser without getting caught. Don’t even think about how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser without getting caught. Even if you plan on how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser without getting caught, you can be legally punished for that. Son even in your wildest dreams, don’t plan on how to cheat on Respondus LockDown Browser without getting caught by hiring amateus – you need professionals like

Did you know you can pay someone to cheat on your university midterms at PassPsychometric? Contact us today for more details, including how we can help you overcome the Respondus Lockdown Browser!

Simply email us on or use our contact form

PassPsychometric can also cheat on university admission exams such as the GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, LSAT and IELTS.

We can sit your GRE, GMAT, TOEFL and LSAT test with you also from your PC!

PassPsychometric have helped clients secure positions at the most prestigious universities in the world, including:

  • Oxford University
  • Cambridge University
  • Harvard University
  • Columbia University
  • MIT University
  • Stamford University


Accounting Exam
- Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania

PassPsychometric helped me to cheat on my Fall Accounting Exam for Wharton Business School which involved a Respondus LockDown Browser. Secured a 95% score and did not get caught!

Economics midterm
- Stanford University

Many of my exams at Stanford University are online. But, Stanford University has strict proctoring systems in place. I was surprised that PassPsychometric could cheat on the Respondus LockDown Browser!

Maths Exam
- Harvard University

Over 15 of my midterms and quizzes involved the Respondus LockDown Browser. I was wondering how to cheat on the Respondus, and when I emailed they helped me secure a GPA OF 4.0/4.0!

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