Talentq Psychometric Tests

Talentq Psychometric Tests


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Talent Q

Talent Q offers online psychometric assessments, training and assessment consulting. Talent Q test helps to assess the performance level of the employee lifecycle at every stage. PassPsychometric have a team of Talent Q Experts available to help you pass your Talent Q psychometric tests today on your behalf!

About Talent Q

Developed by Roger Holdsworth (one of the founders for SHL), Talent Q lays emphasis on online psychometric testing. They follow an innovative way to assess talent management. Their assessment procedure is vigorous, straightforward so as to offer unbeatable value for clients. Their solutions are tailor made for clients who are spread across the globe. They implement blended learning, online technology and consulting capabilities to formulate these tests. Their tests are available in more than 40 languages at present. Some key clients include Astra Zeneca, Heinz, Calrsberg, BT, Citi, RBS, Royal Mail and Volkswagen. The Talent Q assessment tests include Elements Verbal, Numerical and Logical Reasoning tests in addition to Dimensions personality profiling tool. The Elements test is mainly an adaptive test that checks how adaptive the candidate is. The Dimension test takes into account trait profiles, sales report, narrative report and derailer report. As of 2014, Korn Ferry is administering the Talent Q tests. It is a part of Hay Group and a management-consulting firm recognised globally.

Talent Q ability tests

The Talent Q Elements test is an online ability testing system to measure the verbal, numerical and logical skills of the candidate. You can use it to measure the performance level of the candidate in almost all sectors, functions as well as for the internship, apprenticeship, graduate, professional and managerial levels. PassPsychometric’s Talent Q team can pass the below tests for you. Time Limit: Maximum 15 minutes is given to complete all the Element tests.
  • Elements Talent Q Verbal: This test comprises of 15 questions to assess the candidate’s verbal reasoning skills. Your performance will determine your ability to understand and comprehend the information shared. Want to find out more how PassPsychometric can help you pass Talent Q Verbal tests? Click here!
  • Elements Talent Q Numerical: This test comprises of 12 questions to assess your numerical reasoning ability. Your performance will determine your ability to understand numerical data, analyse it and come to logical conclusions. Want to find out more how PassPsychometric can help you pass Talent Q Numerical tests? Click here!
  • Elements Talent Q Logical: This test comprises of 12 questions to assess your inductive/logical reasoning ability. Your performance will determine your ability to understand shapes, symbol and identify correct patterns so as to deduct a logical conclusion. Want to find out more how PassPsychometric can help you pass Talent Q Logical and Inductive tests? Click here!
Since the Talent Q elements test is adaptive in nature it means the pressure will increase or decrease depending on the candidate’s performance. For example: if you answer correctly, the difficulty level of the next question will increase. If you fail to answer correctly, the difficulty level will decrease in the next question. As such the overall time to complete the test depends on the level of your performance. PassPsychometric can pass your Talent Q tests with a realistic score – accounting for adaptative percentiles.

Dynamic Assessment Technology

Talent Q use Dynamic Assessment Technology which means that the range of questions in the elements test vary from easy to very stimulating, depending on the participant’s performance on previous questions. Participants that answer quickly and accurately are provided with more difficult items; those that answer slower and incorrectly are provided with easier options. However, being given easier options is not a positive – this suggests your percentile will be capped and this could certainly be below the pass percentile. PassPsychometric will fine-tune your percentile to ensure it is passed realistically.

Talent Q personality and competency questionnaires

Personality and competency-based assessments are also part of the Talent Q tests. These assessments are done to analyse the personal traits and potential of the candidates, so that it becomes easier to select the right organisation for the candidate. Talent Q may claim there “are no right or wrong answers in this test”. However, on the basis of your answers and preferences, you will be shortlisted for the company that fits your specifications. PassPsychometric can create a Personality Profile to aligned perfectly to pass your Talent Q Personality and Dimensions tests. The Talent Q personality and competency assessments, include the following:
  • Talent Q Dimensions: An in-depth personality assessment which lasts around 20 minutes. This test comes at the later stages of the recruitment process and is used mainly for the employee development purpose. This test is very effective in analysing a candidate’s performance level because it will account for how he or she will work under pressure. Additionally, the way the potential employee will react to a situation and work towards a solution. This test breaks down the candidate’s performance into three significant parts – People and Relationships, Tasks and Projects, and Drives and Emotions. PassPsychometric have a Personality Radar devised to target the correct ratio depending on the role and employer.
Talent Q Aspects: This test is employed when the organisation has a high-volume recruitment process. This is done to select the required candidates through a quick screening process based on the key competencies that the particular organization is looking for. This Talent Q test is only 8 minutes long – but requires extensive level of preparation to ensure you answer correctly in accordance to what the employer is seeking.

How to pass Talent Q psychometric assessments

PassPsychometric have practice Talent Q tests and we also offer guide and advice to candidates. However, we specialise in passing Talent Q psychometric tests for you – with an exclusive screen-share service also. Thanks to PassPsychometric’s Talent Q verbal, numerical, inductive and personality reasoning tests of Experts, you can now hire Experts to pass your Talent Q tests.


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